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David Grossman |
Why do lawyers draft long sentences?
This issue implicitly came before the Honourable Clément Samson
J.C.S. in HSBC Bank Canada v. Gareau, 2015 QCCS 3781.
The background to this case is a loan made by HSBC to a numbered
company, further to representations made by Claudia Samson and Jessica Gareau.
The loan was personally guaranteed by Steve Samson and another individual, Éric
Genest. The company missed payments on the loan, and HSBC started proceedings
against Steve Samson and Éric Genest, while seeking that the company be
declared bankrupt.
Steve Samson’s guarantee on the loan was only $62,500; the company
owed over $200,000. He ended up paying $102,500 to HSBC, and the two parties
entered into an agreement stating that:
En conséquence de ce paiement, le
subrogeant [HSBC] donne quittance complète à la débitrice [9190] et subroge le
subrogé [Steve Samson], sans garantie de faire valoir et à ses risques et
périls, dans tous les droits, recours, actions, hypothèques ou sûretés lui
résultant notamment de l'acte plus haut relaté aux paragraphes 1 et 2[2],
jusqu'à concurrence de la contrepartie versée.
After the agreement was signed, HSBC sued Claudia Samson and
Jessica Gareau in connection with the representations they made when the credit
was extended to the company. The Defendants argued that HSBC’s release operated
to their benefit, and they could not be sued based on the loan.
The Defendants sought the preliminary dismissal of HSBC’s action
on this basis. The Court had to analyze the release that was given and decide
whether HSBC could be blocked, at an early stage and before any trial was held,
from suing the Defendants.
HSBC pleaded that it never actually provided a full release. In
its view, the agreement resulted in Steve Samson having a cause of action for
up to $102,500, while HSBC itself retained an action for the remaining damages
– including a recourse against the Defendants in extra-contractual liability. As HSBC put it: “Dans ces
circonstances, la Demanderesse n’a jamais quittancé le solde impayé du prêt et
ce faisant, les Défenderesses ne peuvent se prévaloir d’une quittance qui n’a
jamais été accordée par la Demanderesse”.
The Court was not persuaded. It queried why a “complete” release
was offered if HSBC believed the company itself could still be sued on the
For its part, HSBC argued that a release said to be complète is
not the same as a release that it complète, générale et finale. And
it is here that we gain some insight into our original question: Why do lawyers
draft long sentences?
Some believe that lengthy wording in legal releases is necessary
in order for courts to properly understand the parties’ true intentions. While
substantive complexity may indeed demand elaborate drafting, this should not be
the case for a straight-forward release. The Court’s reasoning in this case
should give pause to lawyers who insist on drafting each contractual clause
with synonyms in triplicate.
Put simply, a release does not need to be verbose in order to be
[25] Troisième argument. HSBC plaide
qu’une quittance complète ne veut pas dire quittance complète, générale et
finale. Cette inflation de mots que l'on retrouve habituellement dans des
procédures qui mettent fin à un litige fait perdre le sens du mot
« quittance ». Le Code civil du Québec contient un
seul article qui présente un seul qualificatif associé au mot « quittance
» :
« 3065. La quittance totale d'une créance
emporte le consentement à la radiation. La quittance partielle n'entraîne que
le consentement à une réduction équivalente. »
[26] Lorsque le rédacteur de la quittance
sous étude utilise le mot « complète », il choisit un synonyme de « totale
». Que peut-on demander de plus que d’affirmer qu’il s’agit d’une quittance
complète ?
Advocates of brevity may rejoice.
But not for too long.
The Court ultimately refused to dismiss HSBC’s action. The Court
held that a full factual inquiry was necessary in order to determine whether
the extra-contractual recourse launched by HSBC against the Defendants was
included in the scope of the release.
In the end, the simplicity of the release could only get the
Defendants so far. HSBC raised an issue of interpretation that the Court felt
it could not answer based purely on the text of the release. Because this
question would best be resolved through evidence at trial, HSBC’s case
therefore survived the motion to dismiss.
What emerges from this case is a picture of legal drafting that
requires balance. Succinct drafting will minimize the ambiguities that arise
within a legal text. But sometimes added complexity is needed in order to
ensure that legal text covers the entire universe of possibilities intended by
the parties.
It is rare for a contract to boast both the clarity and the
comprehensiveness necessary to obviate the need for trial. HSBC Bank
Canada v. Gareau is a good illustration.